Fertility Problem Explained And How Can You Deal With It?

Fertility Problem Explained And How Can You Deal With It

Fertility refers to the capacity of a couple or individual to have a baby through regular sexual activities. Fertility is usually viewed when there is a failure to reproduce naturally, commonly referred to as infertility. Human fertility is influenced by many factors, including diet, culture, endocrinology, timing, consanguinity, emotions, etc.

Signs of a Fertility Problem

It can be devastating for couples to find out that they are suffering from a fertility problem after trying to conceive but failed for at least a year. The causes of infertility are varied and do not have clear signs, however, listed below are some indicators that can indicate a problem with fertility and prompt a visit to a doctor:

  • You’re 35 years old or over, and you’ve been trying to become pregnant for the past six months.
  • You’re under 35 and had unprotected sexual encounters for a period of one year without becoming pregnant.
  • If you have experienced two or more losses of pregnancy.
  • You are suffering from any infertility risk factors.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Usually, bleeding is light or heavy and painful menstrual cramps
  • Frequent heavy periods or unusual menstrual bleeding
  • Pelvic pain or pain during sexual intercourse
  • Sexual dysfunction (including the erectile dysfunction as well as low libido)

Common Causes

Listed below are a few factors causing decreased fertility that aren’t under your control:

  • Age

Usually, female fertility increases during early 20s to mid-20s, and after the age of 35, it begins to decline rapidly. However, the male fertility declines with age, although not as drastically. Although some men remain fertile at the age of 50, women who have uteruses are infertile after menopausal change.

  • Chronic Diseases

Even if a condition isn’t directly connected to reproductive health however, it could still affect fertility. Certain chronic illnesses, along with treatments, may cause fertility issues in all sexes such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Periodontal disease
  • Untreated celiac disease 
  • Ovulation problems:

Several reasons may cause a female body to not release eggs often and these may include insufficiencies in hormones, eating disorders, thyroid issues, extreme stress, etc.

  • Issues with fallopian tube:

The most prevalent reason for tubal factor infertility is pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID) and the most frequent reasons for this includes Chlamydia and gonorrhea.

  • Uterus problems:

These include uterine polyps and fibroids, adhesions (scarring) in the uterus’s cavity. Fibroids and polyps can develop by themselves at any point, whereas Adhesions can develop after an operation such as dilation or curettage.

Fertility Testing

If you’re struggling with fertility problems, one of the most effective things you could do is discussing with a fertility specialist who can suggest certain tests you can take to comprehend your fertility.

If you’re experiencing difficulty in getting pregnant, it’s important to be aware that you must undergo some tests that your doctor will suggest to determine the issues. The reports are necessary to analyze the issue and develop a treatment strategy accordingly that could increase your chances of getting pregnant. Fertility tests generally examine the system which may not be working or any issue in the body functions, for example, it could be a hormonal imbalance that blocks normal Ovulation or a blockage in the fallopian tube, which prevents fertilization.

Once the cause is understood, treatments can be planned such as hormonal drugs to stimulate or regulate Ovulation, or surgery to correct the blockage of the tubal or IVF (IVF).

How can female infertility be treated?

Once the medical expert identifies the infertility reason, they’ll recommend the following possible treatments on the root cause:


If the structural issues like scarring or blockage are causing infertility, the doctor might opt for surgical methods to treat the situation.


Fertility medication prescribed by the doctor can help with hormonal imbalances and problems with ovulation and some hormone medications may induce ovulation, helping with egg release.


Sometimes the doctors may recommend antibiotics that can remove the inflammation from the reproductive organs of your body.

Fertility Awareness:

Monitoring ovulation by assessing the cervical mucus level or measuring the body’s temperature at rest are two other ways that your doctor could determine your fertility. Couples who are trying to conceive make use of home ovulation predictor kits and mobile apps that monitor their menstrual cycle to determine the ideal time to start trying to conceive.

Fertility Treatment- IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)

A method which allows egg fertilization by sperm outside the womb, IVF is one of the most effective methods to treat infertility, if you do not get successful results from the other strategies for reproduction. The process involves the hormonal control of the ovulatory cycle through the removal of eggs from female ovaries, permitting sperm to fertilize with liquid media. The experts then transfer the fertilized eggs into the uterus of the patient to create the embryo successfully.

The treatment can be used to treat female infertility due to issues with the fallopian tube that make the process of fertilization challenging. For IVF to be successful It could be easier to state that it requires fertile eggs and sperm capable of fertilization and a reproductive organ that can be used to keep the chance of having a baby. Because of the high cost of this procedure, IVF is typically only considered when less cost alternatives were unsuccessful.

Who Is Eligible For IVF?

Check out the following conditions to understand if you are the right candidate for IVF:

  • Obstructed or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Male fertility issues
  • Unable to become pregnant despite taking fertility medications
  • An unsuccessful IUI operation.
  • For women younger than 35, it is difficult to naturally become pregnant after trying continuously for one year
  • Women who are over 35 who cannot naturally conceive six months later or other reasons

Common Reasons for IVF

You may opt for IVF procedure under the following conditions:

  • Severe male infertility
  • Fallopian tubes blocked by surgery that are not able to be fixed.
  • Absent fallopian tubes
  • Failure to achieve success with IUI
  • Multiple miscarriages
  • Severe endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Age
  • Be concerned about the possibility of passing genetic diseases

What Are the Success Rates for IVF?

The success rates of IVF vary based on a variety of factors, such as the cause of infertility, where you’re getting the process performed and whether the eggs are fresh or frozen or donated or your own, as well as your age.


Listed below are some measures that the females may prevent getting fertility issues:

Stop Smoking

Since tobacco is known to pose numerous negative impacts on fertility, it is also bad for your health and that of a baby who is not yet born. If you’re a smoker and would like to attempt to get pregnant, quit smoking today and you can consult your doctor for better assistance.

Avoid Drinking and Street Drugs

Avoid drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs as these substances may hinder your chances to get pregnant and enjoy an uninvolved pregnancy.

Limit caffeine intake

Women must reduce their intake of caffeine if they are trying to conceive and speak to their doctor for suggestions.


Regular exercise is essential to a healthy lifestyle, however, exercising too much could make your periods occur less frequently or disappear completely, which may affect fertility.

Maintain An Ideal Weight

Being overweight or obese can affect hormone levels and lead to infertility.


The rate of fertility declines with the aging process in both males and females. If you’ve tried to have a child but the process hasn’t worked then you might be contemplating your fertility and other factors that could or might not affect chances of having children. Shanti Super Speciality Hospital offers several specialized methods of determining infertility issues in women and men, offering couples the greatest chance of having a successful pregnancy.